EU funds JERICO-S3 in €9.9 million Horizon 2020 project; Developing an innovative observational research infrastructure and management of high-quality data

February 3rd, 2019

JERICO-S3: Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability.

IFREMER, France will coordinate the €9.9 million EU funded H2020 project.

With a consortium of 39 participants, from 17 different countries across Europe and Scandinavia. JERICO-S3 will provide an innovative, specifically designed and visionary Research Infrastructure (RI), featuring state-of-the-art Observing and Monitoring, Expertise, and high-quality Data on European Coastal and Shelf Seas. The JERICO-RI will support exceptional research, high impact restructuring, and a window of European excellence globally.

As Co-Work Package leader for Dissemination, Communication, and Engagement with Stakeholders, Blue Lobster will be responsible for branding, design, development, maintenance, and hosting of the JERICO-RI Website and Social Media channels. The team will have a key role in the planning and implementation of the JERICO-RI Communicatication Plan, Graphic Design, and Promotion of the JERICO-RI products and Services.

In addition, Blue Lobster will have a key role in the Software Design and Development of a novel JERICO e-Infrastructure. This development will include a User Interface (UI), an IT infrastructure, connectivity to the JERICO-RI data and services catalogues, access to the best practices systems, and an e-library for tools and similar resources.

About the JERICO-S3:

The Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories (JERICO) is a system of structures aimed at strengthening the European network of coastal observatories. This will provide a powerful and constructed European Research Infrastructure (RI) dedicated to observing and monitoring the complex marine coastal seas. With objectives to provide services for the delivery of high quality environmental data, access to solutions and facilities as services for researchers and users, create product prototypes of EU marine core services and users, and support excellence in marine coastal research to better answer societal and policy needs.

JERICO-S3 will provide an advanced and fit-for-purpose observational RI, focusing on expertise and high quality data on European coastal and shelf seas, supporting outstanding research, high impact innovation, and a window of European excellence globally. It will significantly enhance the current value and relevance of the JERICO-RI through the implementation of the science and innovation strategy elaborated as a part of the JERICO-NEXT project. JERICO-S3 centralises its efforts on targeting a science integrative approach to better observe the coastal ecosystem, increasing in scientific excellence with consideration of the regional and local ecosystems. Continuously, the preliminary development of an e-infrastructure in support to scientists and users by offering access to dedicated services, progress on the design of the RI and its strategy for sustainability. Major user driven improvements will be obtained in terms of observing the complexity of coastal seas and continuous observation of the biology, access to facilities, data and services, best practices and performance indicators, innovative monitoring strategies, cooperation with other European RIs, and international scientific communities, industry and other stakeholders, and aligning strategy with COPERNICUS/CMEMS, EMODNET, and GEO/GEOSS.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871153. The information and views of this website lie entirely with the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.